
Should be used as root component of each page. The content inside page component is scrollable.

Usage #

    <div class="center">Title</div>


See also #

Attributes #

Name Type
Default Value
var String Variable name to refer this page. Optional
modifier String Specify modifier name to specify custom styles. Optional
on-device-backbutton Expression Allows you to specify custom behavior when the back button is pressed. Optional
ng-device-backbutton Expression Allows you to specify custom behavior with an AngularJS expression when the back button is pressed. Optional

Methods Summary #

Signature Description
getDeviceBackButtonHandler() Get the associated back button handler. This method may return null if no handler is assigned.


getDeviceBackButtonHandler(): Object #

Get the associated back button handler. This method may return null if no handler is assigned.

Returns: Device back button handler.

Discussion #