
A component to display a tab bar on the bottom of a page. Used with <ons-tab> to manage pages using tabs.


The Tabbar

In Onsen UI tab navigation is enabled using the <ons-tabbar> element.

Tabs are added using <ons-tab> which is a child of <ons-tabbar>:

  <ons-tab label="Tab 1" active></ons-tab>
  <ons-tab label="Tab 2"></ons-tab>

The active attribute is used to define the tab which should be open by default. If this attribute is not provided, the first page will be activated by default.

The <ons-tab> element

A tab accepts multiple attriutes to change its style and behavior, i.e. page, label or icon.

Alternatively, the content can be directly provided as ons-tab children:

<ons-tab page="...">
  <input type="radio" style="display: none">
  <button class="tabbar__button">
    <div class="tabbar__icon">
      <ons-icon icon="my-icon"></ons-icon>
    <div class="tabbar__label">My Label</div>
    <div class="tabbar__badge notification">99</div>

Every tab has, by default, the same width. 50% with two tabs, 25% with four tabs and so on. To allow tabs grow depending on their content (i.e. shorter/ longer labels), use the autogrow modifier. Optionally, max-width CSS property can be specified to set the width of the tab (for each tab).

Adding pages

Binding pages to the tabs works very similar to the <ons-navigator>.

The content of the pages is defined using the <template> element:

<template id="tab1.html">

and in order to bind a template to a specific tab the page attribute is used on the <ons-tab> element:

  label="Tab 1"

Swipes and Animations

By default, the tab bar will slide from one page to another on tab click. Use animation="none" attribute to have an instant change.

swipeable attribute can be used to enable this functionality. It can be toggled to allow or prevent swipes at different moments of the app.

These attributes can be combined to have a tab bar with instant changes that can also be swiped:

<ons-tabbar swipeable animation="none">...</ons-tabbar>

For iOS, tab-border attribute can be included to show a tab border that updates position during swipe (this is always default on Android).

See also

Name Type Description
animation String
If this attribute is set to "none" the transitions will not be animated. Optional.
animation-options Expression Specify the animation’s duration, timing and delay with an object literal. E.g. {duration: 0.2, delay: 1, timing: 'ease-in'}. Optional.
position String
Tabbar’s position. Available values are "bottom" and "top". Use "auto" to choose position depending on platform (bottom for iOS flat design, top for Material Design). Optional. Works only during initialization.
swipeable If this attribute is set the tab bar can be scrolled by drag or swipe. Optional.
ignore-edge-width Number
Distance in pixels from both edges. Swiping on these areas will prioritize parent components such as ons-splitter or ons-navigator. Optional.
active-index Number
The index of the tab that is currently active. Optional.
hide-tabs Whether to hide the tabs. Optional.
tab-border If this attribute is set the tabs show a dynamic bottom border. Only works for iOS flat design since the border is always visible in Material Design. Optional.
modifier String The appearance of the tabbar. Optional.
var String Variable name to refer this tab bar. Optional. Works only during initialization.
ons-reactive Expression Allows you to specify custom behavior when the “reactive” event is fired. Optional. Works only during initialization.
ons-prechange Expression Allows you to specify custom behavior when the “prechange” event is fired. Optional. Works only during initialization.
ons-postchange Expression Allows you to specify custom behavior when the “postchange” event is fired. Optional. Works only during initialization.
ons-init Expression Allows you to specify custom behavior when a page’s “init” event is fired. Optional. Works only during initialization.
ons-show Expression Allows you to specify custom behavior when a page’s “show” event is fired. Optional. Works only during initialization.
ons-hide Expression Allows you to specify custom behavior when a page’s “hide” event is fired. Optional. Works only during initialization.
ons-destroy Expression Allows you to specify custom behavior when a page’s “destroy” event is fired. Optional. Works only during initialization.
Name Description
animationOptions Specify the animation’s duration, timing and delay with an object literal. E.g. {duration: 0.2, delay: 1, timing: 'ease-in'}.
activeIndex The index of the tab that is currently active.
hideTabs Whether to hide the tabs.
tabBorder If this property is set the tabs show a dynamic bottom border. Only works for iOS flat design since the border is always visible in Material Design.
visible Whether the tabbar is visible or not.
swipeable Enable swipe interaction.
onSwipe Hook called whenever the user slides the tabbar. It gets a decimal index and an animationOptions object as arguments.
Name Description
material A tabbar in Material Design.
autogrow Tabs automatically grow depending on their content instead of having a fixed width.
top-border Shows a static border-bottom in tabs for iOS top tabbars.
Signature Description
setActiveTab(index, [options]) Show specified tab page. Animations and their options can be specified by the second parameter.
setTabbarVisibility(visible) Used to hide or show the tab bar.
getActiveTabIndex() Returns tab index on current active tab. If active tab is not found, returns -1.
on(eventName, listener) Add an event listener.
once(eventName, listener) Add an event listener that’s only triggered once.
off(eventName, [listener]) Remove an event listener. If the listener is not specified all listeners for the event type will be removed.
setActiveTab(index, [options]): Promise

Show specified tab page. Animations and their options can be specified by the second parameter.

Returns: A promise that resolves to the new page element.

Name Type Description
index Number Tab index.
options Object Parameter object.
options.callback Function Function that runs when the new page has loaded.
options.animation String If this option is “none”, the transition won’t slide.
options.animationOptions String Specify the animation’s duration, delay and timing. E.g. {duration: 0.2, delay: 0.4, timing: 'ease-in'}.

Used to hide or show the tab bar.

Name Type Description
visible Boolean
getActiveTabIndex(): Number

Returns tab index on current active tab. If active tab is not found, returns -1.

Returns: The index of the currently active tab.

on(eventName, listener)

Add an event listener.

Name Type Description
eventName String Name of the event.
listener Function Function to execute when the event is triggered.
once(eventName, listener)

Add an event listener that’s only triggered once.

Name Type Description
eventName String Name of the event.
listener Function Function to execute when the event is triggered.
off(eventName, [listener])

Remove an event listener. If the listener is not specified all listeners for the event type will be removed.

Name Type Description
eventName String Name of the event.
listener Function Function to execute when the event is triggered.

Some Onsen UI components have overlapping event names. For example, ons-carousel and ons-navigator both emit postchange events. Stop overlapping events from propagating to avoid conflicts: document.querySelector('ons-carousel').on('postchange', e => e.stopPropagation()).

Name Description
prechange Fires just before the tab is changed.
postchange Fires just after the tab is changed.
reactive Fires if the already open tab is tapped again.
swipe Fires when the tabbar swipes.

Fires just before the tab is changed.

Name Type Description
event Object Event object.
event.index Number Current index.
event.tabItem Object Tab item object.
event.cancel Function Call this function to cancel the change event.

Fires just after the tab is changed.

Name Type Description
event Object Event object.
event.index Number Current index.
event.tabItem Object Tab item object.

Fires if the already open tab is tapped again.

Name Type Description
event Object Event object.
event.index Number Current index.
event.tabItem Object Tab item object.

Fires when the tabbar swipes.

Name Type Description
event Object Event object.
event.index Number Current index.
event.options Object Animation options object.

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