
A component that displays a popover next to an element. The popover can be used to display extra information about a component or a tooltip. To use the element it can either be attached directly to the <body> element or dynamically created from a template using the ons.createPopover(template) utility function and the <template> tag. Another common way to use the popover is to display a menu when a button on the screen is tapped. For Material Design, popover looks exactly as a dropdown menu.



The VOnsPopover component displays a box next to a target component or element. It can be used to show a tooltip, an info box or even for displaying a menu.

To show or hide a popover the visible property is used. Similar to other components, an update:visible event is fired whenever the user interacts with the popover and allow to refresh the value of visible prop. Vue’s v-model directive can be used with v-model:visible.

In order to determine which component it should visually point to, the target prop must be set to either a Vue component reference ($refs), DOM element, DOM query (e.g 'div#id.class' or an event. In the provided example, $event is used to display the popover on $event.target.

The popover will automatically alter its style based on the platform. On Android it will be displayed as a Material Design component that can be used as a menu. The prop coverTarget is provided in order to optionally show the popover over the original target (only for Material Design).

See also

Name Type Description
animation String The animation used when showing an hiding the popover. Can be either "none", "default", "fade-ios" or "fade-md". Optional.
animationOptions Expression Specify the animation’s duration, timing and delay with an object literal. E.g. {duration: 0.2, delay: 1, timing: 'ease-in'}. Optional.
cancelable Boolean If this attribute is set the popover can be closed by tapping the background or by pressing the back button. Optional.
coverTarget Boolean If set the popover will cover the target on the screen. Optional.
direction String

A space separated list of directions. If more than one direction is specified, it will be chosen automatically. Valid directions are "up", "down", "left" and "right".

maskColor Color Color of the background mask. Default is "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)". Optional.
modifier String The appearance of the popover. Optional.
target String Specifies the ID of the default element for the popover. Optional.
target Ref Target element. Must be a Vue ref. Optional.
visible Boolean Whether the popover is visible or not. Optional.
visible Boolean Specify the visibility of the component. Optional.
Name Description
preshow Fired just before the popover is displayed.
postshow Fired just after the popover is displayed.
prehide Fired just before the popover is hidden.
posthide Fired just after the popover is hidden.
dialogcancel Fired when the popover is canceled.
update:visible Fired right after user interaction. Useful to update visible prop.
deviceBackButton Fired on device back button. Default behavior is hiding the component if it is cancelable. Otherwise, calls parent handler.

Fired just before the popover is displayed.

Name Type Description
event Object Event object.
event.popover Object Component object.
event.cancel Function Call this function to stop the popover from being shown.

Fired just after the popover is displayed.

Name Type Description
event Object Event object.
event.popover Object Component object.

Fired just before the popover is hidden.

Name Type Description
event Object Event object.
event.popover Object Component object.
event.cancel Function Call this function to stop the popover from being hidden.

Fired just after the popover is hidden.

Name Type Description
event Object Event object.
event.popover Object Component object.

Fired when the popover is canceled.

Name Type Description

Fired right after user interaction. Useful to update visible prop.

Name Type Description
event Number New value for visible prop.

Fired on device back button. Default behavior is hiding the component if it is cancelable. Otherwise, calls parent handler.

Name Type Description
event Object Event object.
event.preventDefault Function Avoids the default behavior.
event.callParentHandler Function Runs the handler for the immediate parent that supports device back button.

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