
Select component. If you want to place a select with an ID of my-id on a page, use <ons-select select-id="my-id">. The component will automatically display as a Material Design select on Android. Most attributes that can be used for a normal <select> element can also be used on the <ons-select> element.


Select input

The VOnsSelect component is used to display a select box with an arbitrary number of options.

There are several attributes that can be used to customize the behavior of the element. These are the same attributes as those that can be used for the regular HTML <select> element.

Please check the Onsen UI Reference documentation for a complete reference of the enabled attributes.

See also

Name Type Description
autofocus Boolean Element automatically gains focus on page load. Optional.
disabled Boolean Specify if select input should be disabled. Optional.
form String Associate a select element to an existing form on the page, even if not nested. Optional.
multiple Boolean If this attribute is defined, multiple options can be selected at once. Optional.
name String Name the select element, useful for instance if it is part of a form. Optional.
required Boolean Make the select input required for submitting the form it is part of. Optional.
selectId String ID given to the inner select, useful for dynamic manipulation. Optional.
size Number How many options are displayed; if there are more than the size then a scroll appears to navigate them. Optional.
Name Description
material Displays a Material Design select input.
underbar Displays a horizontal line underneath a select input.

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