
Button component. If you want to place a button in a toolbar, use <v-ons-toolbar-button> or <v-ons-back-button> instead. Will automatically display as a Material Design button with a ripple effect on Android.



Buttons are created using the VOnsButton component.

<v-ons-button>Tap me</v-ons-button>

The button will automatically select the style based on the platform. On Android it will be a Material Design button with a ripple effect.

Adding actions

A button is no good if it doesn’t do anything. To bind an action to a button the @click event is used.

<Button @click="handleClick($event)">Tap me</Button>


The appearance of the button can be changed with the modifier prop.

Available props are: quiet, outline, cta and large.

See also

Name Type Description
disabled Boolean Specify if button should be disabled. Optional.
modifier String The appearance of the button. Optional.
ripple Boolean If this attribute is defined, the button will have a ripple effect. Optional.
Name Description
outline Button with outline and transparent background
light Button that doesn’t stand out.
quiet Button with no outline and or background..
cta Button that really stands out.
large Large button that covers the width of the screen.
large--quiet Large quiet button.
large--cta Large call to action button.
material Material Design button
material--flat Material Design flat button

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