
Toolbar component that can be used with navigation. Left, center and right containers can be specified by class names. This component will automatically display as a Material Design toolbar when running on Android devices.


Adding a toolbar

Most mobile apps have a toolbar at the top containing a header text and maybe some buttons.

The VOnsToolbar component displays a navigation bar on the top of a VOnsPage component. It is separated into three sections (left, center and right) in order to let the buttons and title be layouted a beautiful way.

  <div class="left">
    Left part
  <div class="center">
    Title here
  <div class="right">
    Right part

See also

Name Type Description
inline Boolean Display the toolbar as an inline component. Optional.
modifier Boolean The appearance of the toolbar. Optional.
static Boolean Static toolbars are not animated by ons-navigator when pushing or popping pages. This can be useful to improve performance in some situations. Optional.
visible Boolean Specify the visibility of the component. Optional.
Name Description
material Material Design toolbar.
transparent Transparent toolbar.
cover-content Displays the toolbar on top of the page’s content. Should be combined with transparent modifier.
noshadow Toolbar without shadow.

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