
Segment component. Use this component to have a button bar with automatic styles that switch on click of another button. Will automatically display as a Material Design segment on Android.



The <ons-segment> component allows you to have a nice button bar with only one active button at a time.

It may be useful for example for filtering lists or especially for connecting to <ons-tabbar>. See the next section to find out how to do it.

Connecting to tabbar

Sometimes you may want a segment instead of the normal tabs in your tabbar.

You can connect <ons-segment> and <ons-tabbar> by providing the ID of the <ons-tabbar> you want to control as the tabbar-id attribute of <ons-segment>.

This way the tabbar will be automatically hidden and the active button of <ons-segment> will always be in sync with the active tab of <ons-tabbar>.

See also

Attributes are added directly to the element. You can do this in HTML or JS.

HTML: <ons-segment someAttribute="true" anotherAttribute><ons-segment>
JS: document.querySelector('ons-segment').setAttribute('someAttribute', 'true')

Name Type Description
modifier String The appearance of the segment. Optional.
tabbar-id String ID of the tabbar element to “connect” to the segment. Must be inside the same page. Optional. Works only during initialization.
active-index Number
Index of the active button. If a tabbar is connected, this will be set to the tabbar’s active index. Optional.
disabled Specify if segment should be disabled. Optional.

Properties are accessed on the element through JS, and should be get and set directly. For example: document.querySelector('ons-segment').activeIndex.

Name Description
activeIndex Index of the active button. If a tabbar is connected, this will be set to the tabbar’s active index.
disabled Whether the segment is disabled or not.

Modifiers are set in the modifier attribute. To use more than one, separate them by spaces. For example:
<ons-segment modifier="material modifier2"><ons-segment>.

Name Description
material Material Design segment

These methods are called directly on the DOM element. Get a reference to the element in JS, and the methods below will be available to call on it. For example: document.querySelector('ons-segment').someMethod().

Signature Description
setActiveButton(index, [options]) Make button with the specified index active. If there is a connected tabbar it shows the corresponding tab page. In this case animations and their options can be specified by the second parameter.
getActiveButtonIndex() Returns button index of current active button. If active button is not found, returns -1.
setActiveButton(index, [options]): Promise

Make button with the specified index active. If there is a connected tabbar it shows the corresponding tab page. In this case animations and their options can be specified by the second parameter.

Returns: Resolves to the selected index or to the new page element if there is a connected tabbar.

Name Type Description
index Number Button index.
options Object Parameter object, works only if there is a connected tabbar. Supports the same options as ons-tabbar‘s setActiveTab method.
getActiveButtonIndex(): Number

Returns button index of current active button. If active button is not found, returns -1.

Returns: The index of the currently active button.

To use these events, add event listeners to the elements as you would for native events, like click. For example: document.querySelector('ons-segment').addEventListener('postchange', function() { ... }).

Some Onsen UI components have overlapping event names. For example, ons-carousel and ons-navigator both emit postchange events. Stop overlapping events from propagating to avoid conflicts: document.querySelector('ons-carousel').on('postchange', e => e.stopPropagation()).

Name Description
postchange Fires after the active button is changed.

Fires after the active button is changed.

Name Type Description
event Object Event object.
event.index Number Tapped button index.
event.segmentItem Object Segment item object.

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